
Mostrando publicacións desta data: 2019

Tanti auguri di Buon Natale!

La Befana è arrivata in anticipo e ha portato dei pacchi ai nostri lettori in italiano. Musica, film, documentari, libri... tuttol'indispensabile per godersi le feste natalizie in buona compagnia. Inoltre, abbiamo colto l'occassione per brindare insieme e farci gli auguri.  Allora, tanti auguri di Buon Natale carissimi lettori!

CHRISTMAS TIME... A time for change?

Whether you like it or not ……, Christmas is here once again!! And you can celebrate it with us at O Soto do Óptico!! Because there is much more beyond family gatherings, shopping sprees, Father Christmas, decorations and the occasional hangover…. Christmas time is quite often the moment when people can have some days off to spend with their families or…. alone with a good book. If you are more into the second option, read on!   We have selected a bunch of titles for you to enjoy your Christmas holidays, from the traditional A Christmas Carol (if you are still in the mood) to other more recent ones such as Michael Crichton’s Pirate Latitudes , Dan Brown’s Inferno or Deception Point, Emma Cline’s The Girls , David Guterson’s Snow Falling on Cedars or cook books like Martha Stewart’s Cookies … you won’t have any excuse for not having a Merry Christmas !!!


La lecture d’une autographie est l’occasion de découvrir et de partager la vie de tellement de personnes extraordinaires… L’autobiographie vous permettra de dévoiler le rêve dans des vies quotidiennes, de décoder les secrets d’existences passionnantes, de retrouver ces auteurs oubliés et de fouiller dans vos propres sentiments. L’autobiographie fait penser à la générosité d’âme des écrivains et à l’empathie des lecteurs. On vous propose de ressentir le changement D’un corps à l’autre , avec Olivia Chaumont ; le choix de la dignité de la main de Noëlle Châtelet ; de redécouvrir un classique, comme Hiroshima mon amour avec son écriture à la façon d’un scénario de ciné et son arrière-plan d’une horreur dont les mots restent toujours impuissants. Les mots ne doivent plus rester impuissants face aux violences faites aux femmes. N’oublions pas le 25 Novembre. C’est pour ceci qu’on finit avec un bref parcours par la vie sans souffle de son auteure, Marguerite Duras, référent de...

Appuntamento del Club di lettura in italiano.

I lettori del club di lettura in lingua italiana abbiamo avuto ieri il nostro secondo appuntamento. Il libro scelto, I leoni di Sicilia di Stefania Auci, è sembrato a tutti una lettura scorrevole anche se non è riuscito ad accattivare i nostri esigenti lettori.  Abbiamo parlato dei personaggi, della situazione delle donne nel passato paragonata con la situazione odierna, delle viccende dei migranti che hanno fatto fortuna, dei luoghi del romanzo, della nobiltà e aristocrazia siciliana... La lettura ci ha fatto anche ricordare altre letture del club come Il Gattopardo e La Mennulara .  

Herzlich willkommen in O Sótano do Óptico (Der Optikers Keller) - schön, dass Ihr dabei seid!

In diesem Blog könnt Ihr einmal im Monat in deutscher Sprache über Themen rund um deutschen Mittel der Schulbibliothek lesen.   Wir widmen die ersten Monate des Kurses der biografischen Gattung: Bücher, Filme, Comics, Autobiografien und Romane über Charaktere, die ihre Arbeit zur Weltgeschichte und Kultur beigetragen haben. In der Bibliothek erfahrt Ihr mehr über, z.B. Anne Frank, Johann Wolfgang von Goethe, Rainer Maria Rilke, Albert Einstein, Hannah Arendt, Carl Friedrich Gauß oder Alexander von Humboldt, usw.   Tatsächlich haben wir letzten Monat ein Quiz darüber gemacht und wir sind froh zu wissen, dass die Gewinnerin einer der deutschen Studenten war. Herzlichen Gratulation, Laura! Genieß Deinen Preis. Wenn Ihr sehen möchtet, wie die Verlosung verlief, klickt Ihr hier:


How many times have you heard about domestic violence? How many women have been killed since the beginning of the year? How many more will have to die? Gender-based violence or violence against women and girls, is a global pandemic that affects 1 in 3 women in their lifetime. Reading and talking about these issues openly will help end the shame and stigma that domestic violence and sexual assault survivors are burdened with. The next time you’re in a room with 6 people, think about this:   1 in 4 women experience violence from their partners in their lifetimes.  1 in 3 teens experience sexual or physical abuse or threats from a boyfriend or girlfriend in one year.  1 in 5 women are survivors of rape.  1 in 3 women have experienced sexual violence in their lives.  1 in 4 women were sexually abused before the age of 18. The EOI Ribadeo and O Soto do Óptico utterly reject any kind of violence whatsoever and strongly believe in the power that e...


Every life has a beginning, middle, and an end, and how one has lived one's life could  be of great  interest  to others. November is the month of biographies at the Soto do Óptico, if you are  interested in famous people´s lives, this is your place!!!! Would you like to spend a week with Marilyn?... or know about the fascinating life of Freddy Mercury?... Perhaps you are more into Agatha Christie's life and the mysteries that surrounded her ...or you would fancy reading about one of the most admirable men of all times like Mathama Gandhi... Whatever you prefer, there is a book or film waiting for you to discover the priceless lessons of experience. Human beings, male and female, have been capable of extraordinary feats in all areas of endeavor. We live in a world built by their genius and inventiveness. The secrets of their success are to be found in all of these remarkable lives. Dare to dig them out!!!!

Elena Ferrante in biblioteca.

Il 7 novembre è uscito l'atteso ultimo libro di Elena Ferrante, la misteriosa scrittrice italiana che ha affascinato i lettori di tutto il mondo con la sua tetralogia L'amica geniale.  Non avete ancora scoperto la saga letteraria? In biblitoeca abbiamo la famosa tretalogia ma anche tutti i libri di Elena Ferrante.  E dopo il successo planetario della tretalogia arriva in Italia la serie TV, che anche potete prendere in biblioteca. Volete saperne di più?

Outubro e novembro, meses do xénero biográfico na biblio.

Este ano adicamos os primeiros meses do curso ao xénero biográfico, libros, ensaios, banda deseñada, autobiografías e novelas sobre personaxes que co seu traballo contribuiron a historia e cultura mundiais. Se queres saber mais, achégate á biblioteca e mira a mostra que preparamos en todos os departamentos. Ademáis xa temos gañadora do quiz deste ano que como premio se leva un vale para mercar libros. Noraboa!   No Instagram da biblio podes ver o sorteo:


Welcome to O soto do Óptico!! Here we will meet once a month to talk about anything that happens at the library. We can find info about new books, reviews, students/teachers’ suggestions… in other words important and fun information about reading. We especially love receiving comments from our blogging visitors! So, if you read something, please leave a comment!. And as we are in the weeks leading up to Halloween   we can start getting in the spooky spirit   by picking some titles from the Soto do Óptico   such as   Dracula (book or film) by Bram Stoker ; The Raven , by Edgar Allan Poe ; The Monkey’s Paw , by W.W. Jacobs ; Voodoo Island , by Michael Duckworth ; Misery , by Stephen King ; Mysteries of the Unexplained , by Kathy Burke …. and many others from different levels! Just come and take one! And as we may not always notice creepy lyrics when they are covered up by happy pop music here we have an impressively disturbing cover of “O...


Benvidos ao novo blogue da biblioteca. Comezamos o curso 2019/20 cun novo blogue, onde podedes atopar toda a información da biblio: novas, actividades, suxestións de lectura, coñecer os nosos fondos... E sperámosvos!