
Mostrando publicacións desta data: xaneiro, 2020

Aceptas unha cita a cegas cun libro?

Aceptas unha cita a cegas cun libro? Na biblioteca da escola temos un novo concurso. Leva un libro "a cegas", leo, escribe unha breve recensión e participa no concurso. Podes gañar unha experiencia para dúas persoas.

La nuova voce del thriller in italiano, Ilaria Tuti, già in biblioteca.

Dopo il gran successo nazionale e internazionale dei giallisti come Camilleri e Carofiglio nuovi voci emergono nel mondo del crimine. Il thriller in lingua italiana sbarca in libreria con voci come Donato Carrisi o Sandrone Danzieri. sono il loro romanzi pieni di storie sconvolgenti e un ritmo mozzafiato che ti prende dalle prime pagine. Oltre agli autori prima nominati una voce al femminile, Ilaria Tuti, un'autrice friuliana che rende omaggio alla sua terra in due romanzi Fiori sopra l'Inferno e Ninfa dormente che potete trovare in biblioteca. Una lettura scorrevole ambientata in paessagio dove la natura diventa un altro protagonista. Volete saperne di più?


Have you ever gone on a blind date? Would you like to go on one? If your answer is yes, come to O Soto do Óptico and go on one with a book. You only have to pick up one of the many books we have wrapped in brown paper for you. Once you have finished, fill in the form that is inside the book and put it in the box at the library from January 20 th to March 5 th . There will be a raffle on March 6 th . You can win a gift box experience for two people. Sometimes we judge books by their covers and decide whether to read them or not by only looking at the images on the outside. On this occasion you will only know the level, some intriguing clues alluding to the book inside and ….. SURPRISE!!!! A blind date with a book will give you the opportunity to discover genres, stories and authors that you would never have thought of reading or that you might have missed. It is the perfect moment to leave your comfort zone and come to know great books that perhaps have not received the publi...


O Soto do Óptico is starting the year 2020 with a display of graphic novels and comics to celebrate the Illustration Day on January 30th. Some people don't take comic books as seriously as they take other books, and most people don't realize the benefits of reading these visual masterpieces….You may be thinking….Benefits??? Yes!!!.... Read on!!! Comic Books Help People Learn to Love Reading : With their intense visuals and focus on plot and characters, comic books can be much more engaging than novels or short stories. Comic Books Help Us Think Differently :  Readers of comic books must process all the different components—visual, spatial, and textual of what they are reading and integrate these components into the understanding of the story. Comic Books Are More than Just Superhero Stories : Okay, so maybe you're not into superheroes. That's fair. But did you know that you can read comic books and graphic novels about lots of other topics, too? Here, at O S...